Share and Don't Share - D-Blog Week Day 1

Fourth Annual Diabetes Blog Week! (

Today's Prompt: Often our health care team only sees us for about 15 minutes several times a year, and they might not have a sense of what our lives are really like. Today, let’s pretend our medical team is reading our blogs. What do you wish they could see about your and/or your loved one's daily life with diabetes? On the other hand, what do you hope they don't see?

Hi Doc, thanks for dropping by my bit of the web. It's mostly filled with my ramblings about Apple and photography and other tech stuff. I write about diabetes-related things here as well. Things I try to talk to you about but either forget or for some reason you don't understand where I'm coming from. While you are here, there are some things I'd like to share with you.

If you poke around the site, Doc, you'll notice that I'm a geek. I'm one of those people who uses technology to make my life easier. I don't like doing things the hard way unless the hard way is better in some regard. So, yeah, I record all my data -- meals, BG readings, insulin dosage, etc. -- in apps. These apps allow me to spot trends like my average BG rising over two weeks or that my BG in the morning is unusually high but drops right before lunch. These apps allow me to share the data with others. Like, say, my physician. You.

But, it seems you have no interest in that. I couldn't believe it when you asked me to keep a paper log book! Like WTF! Is it 1953? So you think my life will diabetes will be better because I can carry around a notepad and a pencil with me everywhere instead of Apple's latest iPhone? Hey, Doc, check your BG. Perhaps you are in a hypoglycemic stupor. I know I've told you already, but it requires repeating -- I don't do lo-tech. I'll have a printout for our next appointment.

As a geek, I keep on the latest diabetes-related tech. I don't have an insulin pump or CGMS, but I do know which models are on the market, which are newer and what cool features they offer to help the person with diabetes have a more comfortable life. I wish I had an insulin pump to try out for a few weeks to see if it's for me. Or a CGMS. Come on Doc.

I'm doing great with MDI but the sometimes I wish I didn't have to carry two vials of insulin, a lancing device, test strips and a glucose meter with me EVERYWHERE. It would be nice if you even knew what diabetes meters were on the market. I think it's sad your assistant knows more about that than you do. And she's also willing to tell me how to get strips on discount. You're not doing a good enough job of keeping in mind. I'm feeling slighted.

One more thing before you walk out to ignore your other patients. There is something I haven't been telling you. I've started to look around for other doctors. Yeah, Doc, you're replaceable.