MilkBoy Philadelphia

The sign is painted above the 11th Street entrance to MilkBoy Philadelphia. It's presenting direction to a location on Walnut Street. I am inquisitive. I want to know what is at 1228 Walnut Street. However, I don't want to use mapping software to look that up. I want to walk there and learn for myself.

It was challenging to get the shot. 11 The street is busy, and Milkboy extends to the corner. When the traffic light is red, the line of cars blocks the view from my side of the road. There is a police car parked at the dead centre position for the shot. I tried to time the movement so that I could use any breaks in the flow, step off the curb and promptly walk around to the side of the police car and snap a shot. But the timing didn't work. I shot this from behind the police car, timing things to shoot in between the moving vehicles on the street.

The place seems to be a popular breakfast spot for the nurses at the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. I've seen a group here almost every workday.