Kiran's First Day of School

Today was Kiran's first day of pre-school. She is attending Kid Connection in the building next to Shaan's kindergarten. We were worried that she would cry and make a fuss but she appeared to fit right in. That night while I waited for her to fall asleep she excitedly told me all about her day at school. She likes her teacher Ms. Beachel.

Kiran's First Day of School—Sony CYBERSHOT + Sony @ 9.3 mm, f/2.0, ISO141

First Day of School

Shaan started kindergarten on Tuesday. He will be attending the Orchard Hill Elementary School on Orchard Road in Montgomery Township until next year.

Shaan is ready for the first day of school.—Sony CYBERSHOT + Sony @ 9.3 mm, f/4.0, ISO100

He was very excited about returning to school after the long summer. He made a new friend, Katie, and likes his new teacher Ms. DeVito.

Shaan is ready for the first day of school.—Sony CYBERSHOT + Sony @ 9.3 mm, f/4.0, ISO100

Kiran started crying when Bhavana dropped Shaan off to school. She was wailing and did not want to leave her "bhiya". It took Bhavana a while to calm her down and she spent most of her day waiting for him to come home.