
Summer Wedding

Bhavna's first cousin, Mihir, recently married a beautiful young lady, Sonali. Both kids were excited, but especially so Kiran. She loves to play dress up, and the wedding provided her a reason to change her clothes as often as she wished and wear pretty outfits.

I'll have to start saving some big bucks for my little princess's wedding. Watching Kiran twirl in her vibrant lehenga, her eyes sparkling with joy and imagination, I couldn't help but envision her special day years later.

Each outfit she wore was more than fabric and sequins; it was a glimpse into a future filled with her dreams and celebrations. And as she danced with innocent grace, lost in her world of make-believe and merriment, I knew these memories would be cherished, tucked away in the treasure chest of our hearts, waiting to be revisited with smiles and stories in years to come.

Summer Wedding · Sony CYBERSHOT · Sony @ 9.3 mm, f/4.0, ISO100
Nandani and Kiran show off their mehndi. · Summer Wedding · Sony CYBERSHOT · Sony @ 9.3 mm, f/2.0, ISO141

Putting all the pieces together

Shaan has been playing with Thomas and his friends since he was about 1 year old. He has a huge collection of wooden trains and track piece stored a large Thomas themed toy chest.

Recently his massi bought him a battery operated Thomas train set which just happen to be similar to another set he already had. Shaan and I decided to put the two tracks together and build a super track. Posted by Hello

Summer garden

In June, Shaan, Kiran and I spent quality time planting these jalapeño plants together. It's been an enjoyable activity for us. Surprisingly, Kiran has been eating these peppers this month, and we've noticed something odd - they're not tikka (spicy) as we expected. It's pretty perplexing. There was this one incident where Kiran accidentally picked a hot one, but the rest were mild for some reason. We're baffled as to why only one was spicy while the others aren't living up to the usual jalapeño heat.

Sunday 18 July 2004 · Sony DSC-S70 · Carl Zeiss 7-21mm f/2-2.5