Redefining "Success"

Herein lies the culmination of our review: “success” is an illusion. Granted, the human experience is full of tantalizing tokens, symbols and rituals to represent this apparently highly-sought status. But every diploma, certification, award, medal, pay-grade promotion and recognition is simply another construct of this brilliantly (and humanly) crafted mythology. ~ James Shelley

I've got nothing much to add. I'm stuck in the same "success trap" of my making.

When it's "Not Good Enough"

Business owners, managers, and staff, please, please step back and think for a moment. When you find yourself playing the role of the soulless official in a Kafkaesque drama, shake it off and reclaim your humanity. I’m at fault for not walking right out when confronted by the absurdity, but you, you should know better.

I've done that — walked right out the door. But I don't do it often enough.