The iPad Mini is supplement to a laptop

There are so many millions of iPad users that no simple explanation can cover all use cases. But my take, since last year, has been that the full-size iPad is best seen as an alternative to a laptop, and the iPad Mini as a supplement to a laptop.Daring Fireball: The iPad Air.

Yes! Yes! Since I got my iPad I no longer use a laptop. In fact I sold my laptop and use my iMac for "heavy lifting".

IPad prototype Padcaster rig

New iPad 1080p camera put to the test with prototype Padcaster rig (Engadget)

Josh [Apter] let us know about a new gadget they’re working with: the Padcaster. He hasn’t told us much more than the name and that it’s coming next month, but from what we can tell it’s a lens rig for iOS devices that lets filmmakers use traditional lenses to get the best results out of their iPhones and iPads.Hmm … in what universe will a film maker strap thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment onto an iPad? Interesting? Yes. Practical? No. Gimmick? Yes!!
