Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)

So why is the Canada Goose called the Canada Goose and the American Robin called the American Robin if both birds are found in both countries?

I don’t know who comes up with the common names of certain birds. Despite its name, the American Robin (Turdus migratorius) is found in Canada, especially during the breeding season when they inhabit a wide range of habitats including forests, parks, and suburban areas. The Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) is found in the United States, particularly in regions with suitable wetland habitats like lakes, rivers, and marshes. So why is the Canada Goose called the Canada Goose and the American Robin called the American Robin if both birds are found in both countries?

The Canada Goose is a large waterfowl species known for its distinctive black head and neck, white cheek patches, and brownish body. They are commonly found in suburban parks like Van Horne Park and Skillman Park. They have adapted to human-altered environments. Canada geese are herbivorous, feeding on grasses, sedges, and aquatic plants, making parks with open grassy areas and water bodies ideal for foraging and nesting.

Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)

Author: Khürt Williams

I work in application security architecture and I live in Montgomery Township, New Jersey with my wife Bhavna. Passionate about photography, you’ll find me writing about cybersecurity, tropical aquariums, terrariums, hiking, craft breweries, and capturing birds on camera. My prose is like a caffeinated squirrel—fast, unpredictable, and occasionally insightful.

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