
Thanks for all the tips!

I typically ride the e-bike on residential streets and one-lane country/village roads to get to the Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park Trail, but most of the tour is on the trail. I do most of my biking on the right-hand side of the "V". It’s flat terrain. My longest round-trip ride on the trail has been about 33km.

A few thoughts and questions about your bike. What's the terrain you're riding on? Is it pavement or trail? If both, what's the ratio?

The trail is crushed stone over hard-packed dirt with asphalt in the sections where it crosses a road near a bridge. The trail was built along the towpath of the Delaware & Raritan Canal, built in the early 1830s as a transportation corridor between Philadelphia and New York. There are sections of the trail with cobblestone slips where the boats would enter/exit the canal. These are extremely uncomfortable on any bicycle. I usually get off and walk the bike.

I ask because, regarding the bounciness you're experiencing you way be well served by lowering your tire pressure. What is it currently? My suggestion is run it as low as you can for maximum comfort. If you're on a mix of pavement and trail, try 20psi. If mostly trail, try 10 to 15.

The XPremium is a fat tyre e-bike. I follow the Lectric e-Bikes recommendation of 20 PSI for both tyres. Lectric recommends inflating the tyres to a few PSI below their max for a more comfortable ride when doing street riding. When riding at lower pressures, over bumps, there is an increased risk of pinch flats.

Looking at the photo, your bag and the rear basket, my suggestion is getting a little net or a couple bungee cords. I always use something to strap in anything I'm carrying. And that basket looks pretty shallow. Strap it in and you'll never have to worry. I've ridden thousands of miles without incident.

After my incident, I bought a set of bungee cords. Lesson learned.

All that said, how healthy are you? When I bought my first two e-bikes I did so assuming that my knee injury of any decades would be an ongoing issue. I thought I needed the e-assist. After 4 months of riding I'd grown confident that I was wrong and that I could ride without the e-assist.

I’m fairly sedentary, but I know this. I haven’t tried using the "standard" bicycle, but I may try. In the past, I didn’t get more than a few miles without pain.

The e-Bike is a joy to ride in the spring and fall, but summer temperatures (> 32ºC) and humidity (> 70%) make riding very dangerous. With the smoke from the Canadian forest fires, I had not ridden for the last two months. My weight is about 71kg at 1.63 m in height.

There are quite a few foldable bikes, non-powered, that are in the 25-35 lb range and will be much easier to tote around in a car!

I’ll consider that at a later date. The XPremium is a recent purchase.