Why I Blog

I'm beginning to define and explore the thorny question of why I write and why I want to become a better writer. Here are some of my initial and incomplete thoughts (inchoate) about the why.

I started blogging circa 2001. I think it had something to do with my employment status at the time. I had consulted for several years doing web development and systems integration for large enterprises in the area. Just after the September 11 attacks, and only a week after moving into our new home, my client cancelled several projects, including mine, and I found myself with a lot of time on my hands. I thought that perhaps blogging about technical topics would keep me sharp while I looked around for new employment opportunities.

I messed around with Radio Userland and several other platforms, including Blogger, but it wasn't until shortly after WordPress was released that I found myself putting effort into blogging.

I plugged away at it. I watched as the page views grew. I deluded myself into thinking I could make money1 blogging and the focus of my content changed. My blog content increasingly became a technology tutorial. Then I was bitten by the photography, and I started posting images online. Circa 2006, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and started writing about my life with diabetes. I split my blog into three blogs - technology, photography and diabetes.

A few years ago, I lost my passion for it. I didn’t want to write anymore. It wasn't fun, and I suspect I was being sucked in by social media portals like Facebook and Twitter while also losing my authentic voice. I was writing for the reader, for the audience, for the click. I was no longer writing for me.

I consolidated all my blogs into this one, Island in the Net, and changed my focus. My blog would be me. I write on this blog because I want to share the jumble of ideas I have in my head. I want to share my photographs to show you the way I see the world. I blog because I want a record of me.

I am taking part in a free online course to improve my writing and blogging skills. Today’s writing prompt is “Why do I write (or blog)".

  1. Most of that was to cover the cost of hosting, but the blog turned a profit one year. 

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.