Webmentions and Privacy and GDPR

Untitled | David Shanske by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (David Shanske)

And being as I’m as regular contributor, there are a few ideas I’ve floating that I think are a good start, and invite you to contribute more.

  • Add text to the Webmention form that explains how to use it to delete a mention. Since the form can be used without supporting webmentions on your own site, this is something that should be made clear.
  • Add Setting to not display avatar/photo
  • Add ability to edit mentions, to correct inaccurate data.
  • Add setting to store more/less data.
  • Add privacy policy to plugin for those who install it and add text/link to webmention form.
  • Explain how to request a takedown of information.
  • Periodically poll/refresh sources.
  • Allow a different level of processing for ‘native’ webmentions vs backfeed run through a service like Bridgy.

David, I think that Sebastian Greger (and perhaps some of the GDPR) is really concerned about anonymity; not privacy. But I think you have responded reasonably. I don’t think one can expect privacy when acting publicly. Imagine if newspapers had to get permission to quote something I said publicly (especially something controversial)? Or a radio or television news cast couldn’t use footage of my public acts because of “privacy”? I don’t see any level or ethical basis (USA law) for Sebastian‘s position. I expect as the GDPR is implemented we’ll see some challenging consequences of the rules.

Is Blogging Back?

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I've seen a few older blogs mention this sentiment and for myself, I have been writign on my own domain since 2005. I am excited about all the attention that seems to be focused on owning one's own content and the disatisfaction with social media. My only complaint is that I wish that these older blogs supported IndieWeb technologies like Webmentions. Webmention is a simple way to notify anyother website when you mention it on your site. And for the receiving website's perspective, it's a way to request notifications when other sites mention it.

CJ Chilvers linked to the article referenced above and added a bit about what form of blogging works:

I’ve been thinking about this in my own life and career for the past month and I think I’ve come up with a theory: one is a business model, one is a life model.

I've done both long form and link-style short posts. I enjoy them both.

When I first started this web site I used affiliate links to generate just enough revenue to cover my hosting cost. My posts were not focused on revenue generation. I didn't go out of my way to increase click rates etc. but the blog thrived. For a while. Then traffic declined. It's never returned to it's former. I could blame it on the switch to social media but it could also be that my content is not high quality.

Either way, I am hoping the pendulum swings back toward blogging and the decentralized web.

Photo by Christopher Skor on Unsplash.