The ineffectiveness of lonely icons

The ineffectiveness of lonely icons | Matt Wilcox, Web Developer & Tinkerer by Matt Wilcox

What icons offer that's better than words, however, is rapid recognisability to those already familiar with that specific representation of the concept. This is why we have... road signs.

That's also why we don't allow just anyone to drive a car based on the fact they can operate it mechanically. We require they learn the iconography. We require they study them, commit them to memory, and we test them.

If they fail to understand the icons, they are not allowed to drive cars. And plenty of people fail this. Even when they're read books that explicitly state what each icon is depicting. When the icon's meaning has been made explicit to them, and isn't just relying on its efficacy of conceptual communication.

Icons are great additions to labels or great when used by a targeted audience.

They are lousy at all other times.

Hat tip to Chris Aldrich.

Old Code

Usage [-netrc] [-u <i>user</i>] [-p <i>passwd</i>] -m server -s source_dir -t target_dir [-log_dir <i>/path/to/logs/file</i>] file1 file2 ...

# Copyright 2000 Williams Interactive, Inc.
# Programmer: Khurt Williams, 2000.10.18
# command switches are
# -netrc : uses .netrc file to find user/passwd for the destination server 
# -u <i>user</i> : specify the user id
# -p <i>passwd</i> :specify the passwd for user id
# -m server : server ip or name
# -s source_dir : source dir
# -t target_dir : target dir
# -log_dir <i>/path/to/logs/file</i> : location of log file


#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2000 Williams Interactive, Inc.
# Programmer: Khurt Williams, 2000.10.18
# command switches are
# [-netrc] : uses .netrc file to find user/passwd for the destination server 
# [-u user] : specify the user id
# [-p passwd] :specify the passwd for user id
# -m server : server ip or name
# -s source_dir : source dir
# -t target_dir : target dir
# [-log_dir /path/to/log] : location of log file

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Net::FTP;
use Net::Netrc;
use Log::ErrLogger;

my ($log_file,@file_list,$file,$return_code);
my ($netrc,$server,$source,$target,$user,$passwd,$log_dir,$ftp);
my ($machine,$login,$password);
my $options = { netrc => \$netrc, m => \$server, s => \$source, t => \$target, u => \$user, p => \$passwd, log_dir => \$log_dir };

GetOptions($options, "netrc","m=s","s=s","t=s","u:s","p:s","log_dir:s");

@file_list = @ARGV;

#make sure we have some filename
usage() if( !defined(@file_list) );

#use netrc
if( $netrc ) {
#exit if not server specified
 usage () if( !defined($server) );
#make sure we use the correct userid
 if( !defined($user) ) {
  $machine = Net::Netrc->lookup($server);
 else {
  $machine = Net::Netrc->lookup($server,$user);
#get login id and password for that server
 $login = $machine->login();
 $password = $machine->password();

 $user = $login;
 $passwd = $password;

#check that command line switches are set
usage() if( !defined($user) || !defined($passwd) || !defined($server));
usage() if( !defined($source) || !defined($target));

#append to log file if it already exist
$log_dir = "/tmp" if( !defined($log_dir) );
#log all event to file including die and warn
$log_file = new Log::ErrLogger::File( FILE => ">$log_dir/SendToML.log",SENSITVITY => Log::ErrLogger::ALL );

#connect to server
$ftp = new Net::FTP($server);
Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,__FILE__." ftp started.\n");
Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"ftp $server\n");
#exit and log message on failure
die($ftp->message()) if( !($ftp->login($user,$passwd)) );

#set mode to binary
#exit and log message on failure
die($ftp->message()) if( !($ftp->binary()) );

#change local directory
Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"lcd $source\n");

#change remote directory
Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"cd $target\n");
#exit and log message on failure
die($ftp->message()) if( !($ftp->cwd($target)) );

foreach $file (@file_list) {
#send files to server
 Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"put $file $file\n");
 retry_put($file) if( !($ftp->put($file,$file)) );

#close connection
$return_code = $ftp->quit();
Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,__FILE__." ftp ended.\n");

#end logging


sub usage {
 die "$0 [-netrc] [-u user] [-p passwd] -m [server]  -s [source_dir] -t [target_dir] [-log_dir [/path/to/logs/file]] file1 file2 ...\n";

#resend file if first attempt fails
#remove file if second attemp also fails.
sub retry_put {
 my ($file) = @_;

 Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"Will attempt to resend file %s.\n",$file);

 warn($ftp->message()) if( !($ftp->quit()) );

 $ftp = new Net::FTP($server);
 Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"ftp $server\n");
 die($ftp->message()) if( !($ftp->login($user,$passwd)) );

 Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"cd $target\n");
 die($ftp->message()) if( !($ftp->cwd($target)) );

 Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"put $file $file\n");
 remove_file($file) if( !($ftp->put($file,$file)) );

sub remove_file {
 my ($file) = @_;

 Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"Resend of $file failed.\n");
 Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"Will attempt to remove half baked file $file.\n");

 warn($ftp->message()) if( !($ftp->quit()) );

 $ftp = new Net::FTP($server);
 Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"ftp $server\n");
 die($ftp->message()) if( !($ftp->login($user,$passwd)) );

 Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"cd $target\n");
 die($ftp->message()) if( !($ftp->cwd($target)) );

 Log::ErrLogger::log_error(Log::ErrLogger::INFORMATIONAL,"delete $file\n");
 warn($ftp->message()) if( !($ftp->delete($file)) );