John Saddington says Goodbye to Twitter

I simply do not have the emotional, psychological, and physical bandwidth to manage Twitter. I take everything at face value and I take everything really personally. It’s just how I am and Twitter is unhealthy for someone like me. I’ve been coping with Twitter for years and it’s time to pull the plug.Twitter: Goodbye, I Quit - John Saddington

Wow! I'm in awe of John for doing this. I've considered doing the same. Not with Twitter. But Facebook. I just seem to get too emotionally entangled in what happens on Facebook. I end up feeling hurt. Emotionally. For the last few week's I've avoided it. But I have not quit ... yet. The closet I've come to abandoning Facebook was last year when I suspended my account for a week. Nothing bad happened. I wasn't missed. The world did not end. Am I brave enough to do it again? Permanently!