
outdoor scene

Driven people drive themselves to the brink as a consequence of their passion for experience and knowledge and other intrinsic motivators that are equally hard to quantify. I am intrigued and delighted when I meet other such instigators who are always in motion and cannot be stopped but for brief moments where rest is an absolute necessity.

The question that I wrestle with and have been wrestling with for years is simply this: At what cost? At what cost do I follow my pursuits with a religiosity and zeal that is blinding to most people? And what exactly am I trying to achieve? John Saddington

I think John's blog post arrived in my Reeder feed client at just the right time. Except, I'm not questioning my motivations because I'm driven toward a specific goal. I'm asking a different question. What do I want my legacy to be? Right now, I feel that I am leading an average life and I want a great life.

I don't have time -- of course not -- to reflect on this now, but I think I need to set aside sometime to think deeply about this.

Abused and powerless

Let me state the phenomenon as clearly as possible: The extremely wealthy are objectively far wealthier, far more politically powerful and find a far more indulgent political class than at any time in almost a century - at least. And yet at the same time they palpably feel more isolated, abused and powerless than at any time over the same period and sense some genuine peril to the whole mix of privileges, power and wealth they hold. Josh Marshall

Good read.

Matt Gemmell is making changes

On a day-to-day basis, not a lot is going to change. This blog hasn’t been exclusively about tech for quite some time now, if it ever was. And it’s not going to exclude tech and software from now on – because I’m still genuinely interested in that industry. Many of my finest friendships have been made there. I’m still keeping up to date. I’m still annoyed at Adobe’s installers. I’m still counting down the days til the next keynote when I can find a reason to buy some new Apple kit. I’m still passionate about user-focused computing and how empowering it can be. I still care. My tweet stream is hardly going to change.Matt Gemmell