2019-10-07 11.08.21

Syndicating My Tips to Foursquare by Aaron PareckiAaron Parecki (aaronparecki.com)

I realized I have been avoiding leaving tips in Foursquare because I didn't have a good way to post them from my website. So today I added the ability to syndicate my posts as Foursquare tips.
I have three different ways my posts can end up as tips on Foursquare: I can reply to one of my checkins I ...

I wish I knew enough about WordPress development to write code to do this from my website.

2019-03-31 10.02.13

Update to the Syndication Links plugin for WordPress for Custom Endpoints by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (BoffoSocko)

David Shanske has recently updated the Syndication Links plugin for WordPress that now allows users to add custom syndication endpoints to their websites so they can actually syndicate their content to external sites. In particular, this now includes syndication endpoints like IndieWeb News and indieweb.xyz subs. Configuring the plugin with a syndication name, UID, and the appropriate URL will create additional endpoint checkboxes in the "Syndicate To" metabox.

Hello Chris, the WordPress Crossposter has not been updated in three years. Is there another method for POSSE from self-hosted WordPress to WordPress.com using the Syndication Links plugin?

Disabled SNAP and Brid.gy Syndication

Following Amanda's lead I have disabled the Social Networks Auto Poster and Brid.gy plugins and will no longer automatically syndicate links to social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. I am not sure how long this experiment will last or how it will affect website traffic. But I won't know unless I try. I am also leaning toward making Webmention the only form of a comment this website accepts. But I am not ready to do that yet. I want to try using the open source Isso commenting system first.