Sunday Paper

“Bosses invented employee loyalty, not employees.” ~ Seth Godin

Manuel Moreale reflects on Apple's involvement in legal battles and expresses sadness about the relentless pursuit of endless growth by companies like Apple. Growth is a mind cancer

Clare Marie Schneider on NPR writes about how the new etiquette for tipping has evolved significantly, with businesses that traditionally did not ask for tips now requesting them, including grocery stores, self-checkout machines, and fast food restaurants. If in doubt, asking the service provider directly.New Rules in Tipping Etiquette

I love reading Seth Godin’s blog.

There’s a long-time tension between the factory owner and the worker. The factory owner wants to take the maximum amount of labor in exchange the lowest amount of compensation. The worker often responds by playing defense and not letting the boss disrespect them.

Bosses invented employee loyalty, not employees.Seth Godin

Sunday Paper - Sortition and Slowing Down

I have read some of Seth Godin's books and was1 an avid reader of his daily blog posts. The blog posts always contain bits of wisdom. In his post, As slow as possible, Seth reminds us that in a fast-paced world, embracing time's slow journey requires discipline.

Mastering exposure is key for better results in film photography, ensuring fidelity, colour control, and reducing post-processing work. In this 2022 post, How to Make Perfect Exposures on Film, Analog Cafe’s Dmitri offers a guide that covers tools, techniques, and the impact of various film types and dynamic ranges.

I think that career politicians (perhaps aided by late capitalism)2 have hijacked current forms of democracy and no longer work to represent the will of the people. A short video on sortition suggests an alternative to elections.

  1. Two pre-COVID pandemic surgeries and the pandemic itself disrupted my "normal" in so many ways. I am slowly returning to certain habits as part of a new normal. Reading and reflecting on Seth’s daily blog was part of my old normal. 
  2. The term late capitalism was first used by German economist Werner Sombart. 


If your organization wanted to replace you with someone far better at your job than you, what would they look for? I think it’s unlikely that they’d seek out someone willing to work more hours, or someone with more industry experience, or someone who could score better on a standardized test. No, the competitive advantage the marketplace demands is someone more human, connected, and mature. Someone with passion and energy, capable of seeing things as they are and negotiating multiple priorities as she makes useful decisions without angst. Flexible in the face of change, resilient in the face of confusion. All of these attributes are choices, not talents, and all of them are available to you.from Seth Godin's Linchpin