Grafted Mangoes

Grafted Mangoes by Daniel Brinneman (Daniel Brinneman)

I spent most of my childhood in Togo, West Africa. And our family had a mango tree there in the front yard and on this mango tree my Dad grafted it with a branch from another tasty mango tree with no strings in it.

I grew up in the British West Indies,a tropical paradise with lots of types of fruits. Dad's brother, Uncle Clifford, was an expert surveyor1 who was also very knowledgeable about many fruits including mangoes and grapefruit. He had many forms of grafted mangoes on his property, one of which I remember being exceptionally large and sweet. I have eaten a lot of those mangoes

  1. Uncle Clifford Williams studied in Trinidad for two years between 1954 and 1956, passing his intermediate examinations. Between 1968 and 1970, he studied at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in the United Kingdom, where he obtained his qualifications as a surveyor.