2018-12-28 11.45.11

And the new vita is pushed and … by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (archive.jgregorymcverry.com)

And the new vita is pushed and lived: https://jgregorymcverry.com/resume.html
Source: quickthoughts

In my 25+ year career, I have never ever got a job or consulting lead via my website. My personal and professional contacts and LinkedIn are much more valuable. I am considering removing my professional website. It's getting very little traffic.

Stupid Smart Stuff | LinkedIn

How silly. The notion that we can have automated or semi-automated cars as long as the driver is watching over them is a dangerous myth. As soon as the car can maintain its speed and keep a safe distance from car’s in front automatically (already true with adaptive cruise control) and maintain its position in the lane properly (already true with lane-keeping systems), drivers will take the opportunity to find their favorite music, to turn to the rear passengers and converse, to read their email, etc. It is a myth that people can maintain control when they have nothing to do for a long period. This myth is well understood in the military and in commercial aviation: it has been studied for well-over 50 years in the field of vigilance (a part of psychology and human factors research).LinkedIn