2018-12-31 12.33.08

Family Lore, Memories and a Wiki by Brad Brad (ramblinggit.com)

I have a project I’ve been thinking about, off and on for about 9 months: I want to write down what I can remember of my family lore and also my own family memories from my youth. Stories told to me by family members about themselves or other family members. Stuff I was a part of.

I was thinking about this very topic the other day. I was born and raised in the British West Indies and immigrated to the USA in 1986 for college but become a naturalized US citizen in 1993.

I learned much about my family from the stories my mother, aunts, uncles, and grandparents told me. Many of these people are long gone and I feel disappointed that I did not do this with my kids. In my defence, living in New Jersey, I did not have the support of having family members (or photographs) who could help me pass along family history to my American children. Perhaps it's not too late.

Patriots Week

Unable to Attend Trenton Downtown Association

In Trenton, New Jersey's Capital City provides the unique opportunity for residents and tourists to experience the events that shaped our nation during Patriots Week. The Trenton Downtown Association works closely with neighboring sites in the area to bring the most comprehensive historical experience to life for those of all ages and backgrounds. Through the immersive experience that is Patriots Week, the TDA commemorates and recognizes Trenton's unique and pivotal role in the American Revolution. A role that has shaped some of the very streets and buildings that can still be seen standing today as they were in 1776.


Patriots Week is held annually from December 26 - December 31 during the week between Christmas and New Year's and attracts thousands of visitors to the city to enjoy historical tours, a pub crawl, colonial ball, lectures, films, art, music, battlefield re-enactments, and living history events. This year use your holiday break for a fun & history-filled family staycation!


With over 70 events taking place during the six-day period it's easy for families and history aficionados to spend a few days in Central New Jersey this December.

Every year around this time I am reminded that we live in a part of the country that played a significant role in the creation of the United States of America. George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River, The Battle of Trenton, The Battle of Princeton, all of these historic events occurred just miles away from where I live in Montgomery Township.

From my perspective, “Real America” started with these thirteen original colonies.

How the Blog Broke the Web

Movable Type didn’t just kill off blog customization.

It (and its competitors) actively killed other forms of web production.

Non-diarists — those folks with the old school librarian-style homepages — wanted those super-cool sidebar calendars just like the bloggers did. They were lured by the siren of easy use. So despite the fact that they weren’t writing daily diaries, they invested time and effort into migrating to this new platform.

They soon learned the chronostream was a decent servant, but a terrible master.

The potato gun girl and gerbil genetics guy found they didn’t want to write updates. It didn’t make sense. Their sites should have remained a table of contents, a reference tool, an odd and slightly musty personal library… the new “posts” format simply didn’t work for what they wanted to do. It felt demanding, and oppressive.

Loved this trip down memory lane and a reminder of just how much we lost.