I grilled sword fish steak

Is that an odd name for a blog post? Maybe. I couldn’t think of a more witty title but I think this one does describe what I did around noon today. Yes, I grilled a sword fish steak and took some photos and decided to write a blog post. Why? Because ….

I had lunch with my family yesterday. The kids are on spring break and while they were out doing errands with mom they decided it would be cool to have lunch with Dad1. After a quick and tasty lunch at Magma Pizza my wife encourage me to help her pick some fish from Whole Foods. She wants the kids to eat more seafood but she’s a vegetarian and has no clue what to do. The staff at Whole Foods were quite helpful and I bought some red snapper fillets and a blackened (seasoned) swordfish steaks. That’s what I grilled today.

I’m a fan of the art of food but mostly I’m a fan of eating good food. Last year I bought a new grill and spent the summer grilling sausages and grass fed beef and burgers from local farmers2. I also “discovered” a local gourmet food shop that sells the most delicious cheeses. I guess I enjoyed my cheese and grilled a little too much. I ended up with high cholesterol. That’s one of the reasons I’m eating more fish.

I followed some simple instructions I found online, grilling each side of the steak for about four minutes on high heat. I think it worked out well. The kids ate it all up and I had a little piece which I washed down with one of my favorite beers.

  1. Yeah! I’m still cool! My daughter is almost a teenager and my son is a teen next month so I’m happy for this. ?

  2. Griggstown Farm and Simply Grazin’ ?

Alex Payne — On Business Madness

What I disagree with is the notion that anyone should start or operate a business in the explicit mold of someone else’s experience, as reduced to a couple hundred pages padded with illustrations and diagrams. It’s a bit like starting a fad diet without considering the particulars of your health and lifestyle. It may be hard to subsist on kumquat juice when your neighborhood grocer doesn’t sell kumquats.

via Alex Payne — On Business Madness.

I am sometimes a victim to this sort of thinking. I work inside a large bio-pharma that is in the throes of change.