10 December, 2011 - Latte

Some Saturday's I take my kids to their Tae Kwon do lesson at the Montgomery Martial Arts Academy. While they learn the art of kicking and punching I pop across the street to Thomas Sweet for a latte. The staff know me quite well — I'm the Foursquare mayor — and sometimes we chat about our school. There is always good music playing so I often sit and enjoy free the free Wi-Fi, catching up on my news feeds while drinking my latte.

During the summer I'll have a cold latte or an espresso Coke — a shot of chilled espresso mixed with a Coca-Cola on ice.

November 19th, 2011 - Espresso Coke

One of my local coffee houses offers a drink which I would like to think was inspired by the many conversations I've had with the barista, Larry Tritel. The drink, which they call Espresso Coke, is one or two shots of chilled espresso mixed with Coca Cola and poured over ice. Mine has Diet Coke, of course, but the result is a caffeine punch. I'm not a fan of Diet Coke but I don't think they carry Coke Zero.