
This is one of a series of HDR images I processed earlier this week. I wanted to test out a project a very geeky HDR project1 I had completed. I find that the early morning light is sometimes ideal for HDR so I hopped in my car thinking I would head over to the old mill house in Kingston. But as I drove I looked at the sky and decided that Carnegie Lake might be better. I wanted to capture the sunrise. I’m not sure I captured what I saw but I enjoyed the process. Maybe tomorrow I’ll go back and try it again.

  1. I programmed my Raspberry Pi single board computer to do auto-bracketing. You can see the some of the other photos here 

Carnegie Lake

I took a day off from work last week and spent some time with my kids outdoors. I originally planned to go hiking in the Sourland Mountain Range but my daughter hurt her leg earlier in the week so we took a stroll along the Plainsboro side of Carnegie Lake instead. We headed out to the lake after we had lunch at Osteria Procacinni. My son loves the pizza. While my daughter and I could only finish half of our pizza he ate the entire pie. Growing boy!??This image is a panorama capture using Microsoft Photosynth on the iPhone.

Water skimmer

Water striders ...commonly known as water striders, water bugs, magic bugs, pond skaters, skaters, skimmers, water scooters, water skaters, water skeeters, water skimmers... use the high surface tension of water and long, hydrophobic legs to help them stay above water. Water molecules are polar and this causes them to attract to each other. The attractive nature results in the formation of a film-like layer at the top of the water. This top layer has gravity acting downward in addition to the water molecules below pulling down the upper molecules. This combination creates a touch surface tension. ~ Wikipedia

I had planned to get up early in the morning and get some bracketed shots of the Princeton Boathouse, at the eastern end of campus, at the edge of Lake Carnegie. I had hoped to use the bracket images to create an HDR image. I think I got up a little too late. None of the HDR images is very pleasing. I did, however, catch some rowers out for practice and my wife and I agree that this shot was better than any of the HDR images.