Troon Brewing's Bathos

Khürt checked-in on Untappd (Untappd)

Hoppy ale.

I am drinking a Bathos by Troon Brewing.

Khürt checked-in on Untappd (Untappd)

Hoppy ale.

I am in Brick Farm Tavern, drinking Bathos by Troon Brewing. Troon Brewing is a Micro Brewery in Hopewell, NJ. Bathos beer style is IPA - Imperial / Double, with an ABV of 8.6% and IBU of 0. I gave Bathos a 4 on Untappd's 5 point rating system.

Brewer's notes

Hoppy Ale

Entry created on Zapier time: 2018-08-17T13:25:26-04:00