My wife is Indian. She was brought to the USA from India at a very young age. She has been told directly by her parents that the purpose of her life goal is to take care of them. They were not involved in helping her with college. My wife worked after school so she could save to buy a car. In college, she worked two summer jobs so she could afford books for the coming semester. She wanted to be a lawyer, but soon after qualifying to do paralegal work, her father lost his job. So she took a less demanding role in customer service so she should assume his mortgage and his debts and help her younger siblings with college expense. I think she's done enough "living for others".

Growing up in the USA, her parents provided the basics of life (food and shelter). My wife and her older sister were left to take care of (parent) the younger siblings, while her parents watched TV. So for my wife, she has been taking care of and focusing on the needs of others since she was about 13. She's 50 now.

Read up on the toll on caregivers:

My wife has been in therapy for several years dealing with this.