Lucky Hare Brewing Company's Hare Gansett

I am drinking a Hare Gansett by Lucky Hare Brewing Company.

I am in Lucky Hare Brewing, drinking Hare Gansett by Lucky Hare Brewing Company. Lucky Hare Brewing Company is a Micro Brewery in Hector, NY. Hare Gansett beer style is Lager - Pale, with an ABV of 4.2% and IBU of 0. I gave Hare Gansett a 3 on Untappd's 5 point rating system.

Brewer's notes

"A Different State of Beer".
Established 2014 in Hector, NY, Lucky Hare Brewing is a farm brewery on the Wine/Beer Trail of Seneca Lake. We are one tiny brewery trying to make a BIG SPLASH. OUR TAPRROM IS NOW OPEN! JUST HEAD RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO THE BARN.

Entry created on Zapier time: 2018-09-23T12:51:22-04:00

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.