Looking Back

Carnegie Lake, Winter, Frozen

Today's activity is simply this: I'd love for you to reflect on the last 10 days and write about how you feel completing the 10 day workshop. Naturally, some of you will also introspect a bit, asking yourself some of the "meatier" questions about where you'll take it from here, how this has changed your perspective on writing and blogging, and why you feel the way you do.
I'd love for you to take your time to do just that and then write about it, sharing links to your blog posts below. John Saddington

Retrospection and introspection are not something I want to engage in today. I've had a tough time staying positive the last few weeks. I think the winter blahs have finally overcome my positive outlook. Grey skies. Not enough sunlight. Sitting inside a window less office for hours a day staring at grey cube walls. It gets to you.

Being involved with the Desk.pm community distracted me -- but not completely -- from the environment. I looked forward to seeing what others had written and seeing their journey. Live. Now it's all over. Now what?

I think I have the personal motivation to continue, albeit at a slower pace. I think the course has helped me work out a simple framework to keep my writing consistent. Let's see how this goes. It's only day 14 of 2015. I have almost an entire year ahead. A lot can happen in a year.

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.

2 thoughts on “Looking Back”

  1. I whish you all the best.

    Personally I'll take the 10-days course in the coming weeks, sice at work I'm a little too busy now and don't have spare time to read each “chapter” and then think and act accordingly…

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