I ran my domain through IndieWebify.me. Almost all of the rel=“me” links either don’t link back or couldn’t be fetched. The following work perfectly and can be used with the IndieAuth authentication plug-in1.


That’s 4 out of 43. Most of these profiles have links back to my website. I know for sure that my keybase.io, and instagram and medium profiles have a link to my website. So why are many of these being reported as don’t link back?
I ran Chris Aldrich’s boffosock.com domain through and I saw similar results.
I ran my Instagram profile through IndieWebify.com and got this interesting result.

That explains why Instagram doesn’t link back. Instagram isn’t using the supplied information to create a microformated profile. There are no rel=“me” links in my Instagram profile page.
In the HTML source for my GitHub profile, I can easily find the HTML that links back to my web site.
<a href="https://islandinthenet.com" class="u-url" rel="nofollow me">https://islandinthenet.com</a>

So … what’s the point of filling out all the extended profile field provided by the microformats2 plugin if very few of the social media silos link back my web site?

I also noted that IndieWebify.me parsed the h-card on my website and complained that I was missing a email address. Well … I filled in the email field in my profile and but it is indeed not included in the h-card on my web site. So …. what’s going on there?
I syndicated this post to Facebook and Twitter and Goolge+ but yet IndieWebify.me could not find any of those copies.
There are a host of issues with many of these plugins that I don’t know where to start. In the next few weeks I will be documenting the number of these issues.

Which breaks the ability to use the official Automattic image export plugin for Adobe Lightroom. ?