It DOES take long to create.

Introducing a Semantic Web Server by Donald McIntosh

So how much effort is it to create metadata for new blog? Here is an example.

resource:introducing-a-semantic-web-server a resource:blog ;
           dc:creator resource:donaldmcintosh ;
           dc:created "2016-04-13T11:07:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
           dc:title "Introducing a semantic web Server" ;
           triki:include ;
           triki:restricted triki:public .

It does not take long to create.

This solution, in my opinion, is only quick and easy for the 2% of users with the technical expertise to understand it. Facebook, Twitter, et al. have nothing to fear.

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.