Isolation Photo Project, Day 96

I love making fresh coffee in the morning. It's a bit of morning ritual. I weigh out the beans to make three cups of coffee1, dump the beans into the Baratza Encore grinder, fill the kettle with fresh filtered water, prep the Chemex, and when the water is at the right temperature, I begin the process of extracting caffeine from ground beans. As I said, It's a ritual.

But recently I have noticed that the grind size isn't quite right. If the grind size is incorrect for the brew method, the coffee won't extract properly. My brew looked like store-bought iced-tea, not the dark, fragrant liquid I am used to drinking. I suspected something was wrong with the grinding chamber. I searched on Google arriving on a video on Baratza's YouTube channel, which helped me troubleshoot the issue. There are three things wrong with my grinder.

  1. The burr case was inserted incorrectly.
  2. Upon inspection, the burr case is damaged. All three pins are broken. This damage was most likely from a pebble that snuck in with the beans.
  3. I am missing the rubber casing that goes between the bean hopper and the burr casing.

I ordered replacement parts from Baratza which will hopefully arrive quickly. Until the parts arrive, my coffee will have to be from the Nespresso capsule my daughter uses. Ugh!

Submitted as part of the 100DaysToOffload project.

  1. A cup is 6oz. 

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.

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