I would not cut TSA a complete break. Without going into a long rant I have worked with TSA and they are not innocent. They have incompetent management thanks, in large part, to guaranteed lifetime employment, called Civil Service.

Under Civil Service mediocrity is pretty much guaranteed, at best. To be expected is a lot of wasted money and resources on the wrong things due to incompetence all the way up the ladder.

To not hold anyone accountable, as was done with 911 epitomizes the problems that will be with us for years to come.

Many of the folks I worked with at FAA won't fly anymore. I choose to minimize flying since it is too much of a hassle.

Bin Laden won on this one. And that is very sad indeed. I cannot say more, due to my clearance, but believe me the TSA is pathetic.

The worst move was to privatize it when all we needed was improved oversight. At least when it was private people could be fired for imcompetence. Now they "good job Brownie" when they are total failures.

I am very disappointed in Chertoff. I fell for his pitch about bringing risk management to the TSA. What a lie that was. He is a fraud.