
I Brought Back Commenting On My Site by Jacky Alciné (

As part of my mission to get my website to align with my digital identity, I’ve opted to make use of Isso to handle commenting. I’ve enabled it for every blog post and to each of the FAQ pages. This way, I can see that feedback and fold it back into the site a lot easier. I’m a bit fortunate since I have my own infrastructure, I can just spin up this service easily.

Concerned with some of the language in the EU GDPR, I removed commenting from my WordPress site but retained Webmentions. A newer webmention spec allows for deletion and or modification of webmentions which I feel aligns with the GDPR. I considered using Disqus for commenting I am loath to outsource my comments to a silo. Isso may be a solution that allows me to retain control while also allow commenters control over their comments.

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.