Coming down from a high


Sometimes there are negative consequence to not changing my infusion set on schedule. Last night my wife were up until 1AM while I battled hyperglycemia. My wife thought it was the snack that I ate after dinner. I was trending near 70 about two hours before dinner but my BG rose rapidly just 15 minutes after eating. And it continued to rise. I tested my BG and took a insulin bolts hoping to bring my BG under control. It continued to rise so I tested and hour later and added another bolus. But my BG continued to rise. Than around 11PM I remembered that I forgotten to change my infusion site. I had put in a new infusion set on Sunday and I was now fours days on the same set. I'm supposed to change it out every three days. I prepared the site, inserted a new infusion set and adjusted my basal dose to 120%. By 12AM on the Dexcom receiver had turned from slightly up to sideways. An improvement. By 12:30 it had started pointing down. I waited until 1AM when my BG hit 150 before putting the basal back to normal and going to bed. Lesson learned.

Trenton, New Jersey, United States of America

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.