Hello, I'm Khürt Williams. I am a husband, father, information security professional, former autodidact web developer, avid amateur photographer, geek and naturalised US citizen.I’ve lived/studied/worked in St. Vincent, Bequia, Barbados, St. Lucia, Antigua, New York City, Atlanta, Ann Arbor and Mercer County and Somerset County, New Jersey.I'm an aficionado of craft ales and coffee. This weblog is where I share my incoherent and random thoughts and rants about technology and photography geekery, coffee, craft ale, diabetes, and life.Island in the Net has been in existence in one form or another since 2001, but my journey as a consistent blogger started with the purchase of my first domain in 2003. This web site uses modern [IndieWeb] technologies and principles and accepts comments via Webmention and traditional comment forms.I use this website as my primary hub for online presence and communication. You’re welcome to subscribe to or consume the site in any manner or on any platform you prefer, including RSS.Find me on Instagram and Twitter.What am I doing now?