Harman Reusable Camera

Bridge Street, Lambertville, Ilford HP5+ 400


Ilford has created a reusable 35mm film camera under their Harman brand. The Film Photography Project sells the camera, including two 36-exposure rolls of Kentmere Pan 400, for just over $30. The Harman Reusable Camera is a plastic camera that doesn't have an impressive spec sheet, but I want one for some reason. I have not identified what drives the want, but I've already imagined this inside my Peak Design Everyday Sling. Maybe seeing this camera ignited a feeling of nostalgia for the early days of married life before kids. Bhavna and I travelled more, and I have dozens of developed rolls of APS film captured on long-gone point-n-shoot cameras.

So, I ordered one from the film photography project.

Author: Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.

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