52 Week Smartphone Challenge: Week 6: #NoFilter

📷 The only editing allowed is basic exposure so I stuck to that and adjusted the exposure in Adobe Lightroom to -1. It was a challenge because I really wanted to bring out the colour in the sky. The iPhone 11 Pro 1.54mm f/2.4 back camera is roughly 35mm full-frame equivalent of 12mm. I also adjusted for lens distortion.

Submitted for my 52 Week Smartphone Challenge.

Author: Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.

5 thoughts on “52 Week Smartphone Challenge: Week 6: #NoFilter”

    1. Loved the swan photo and I think it was just right for the challenge because swans usually mate for life and only upon the death of the mate will the remaining swan take up with another.

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