2019-03-31 10.02.13

Update to the Syndication Links plugin for WordPress for Custom Endpoints by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (BoffoSocko)

David Shanske has recently updated the Syndication Links plugin for WordPress that now allows users to add custom syndication endpoints to their websites so they can actually syndicate their content to external sites. In particular, this now includes syndication endpoints like IndieWeb News and indieweb.xyz subs. Configuring the plugin with a syndication name, UID, and the appropriate URL will create additional endpoint checkboxes in the "Syndicate To" metabox.

Hello Chris, the WordPress Crossposter has not been updated in three years. Is there another method for POSSE from self-hosted WordPress to WordPress.com using the Syndication Links plugin?

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.

2 thoughts on “2019-03-31 10.02.13”

  1. Khürt, I’ve been using WordPress Crossposter almost since it came out and have never had any major problems with it. (I’ll note that I’m also using the Classic Editor instead of Gutenberg, so mileage may vary with that particular variable.) I think the developer still actively uses it and is open to fixing bugs/issues, but other than a few known quirks (which are usually issues with WP.com only supporting a subset of what WP.org is capable of) I suspect it’s fairly solid. Are you having particular issues with it?
    Syndication via POSSE from .org to .com using Syndication Links is doable, but would require some reasonable amount of coding as a plugin/sub-plugin to enable Syndication Links to handle it. If you wanted, you could register an issue on the Syndication Links GitHub repo to start a discussion with others or potentially attempt to hack on it yourself. I’m not sure it would rank high on David Shanske’s to do list since I don’t think he has or mirrors content to a .com site and there are other means for doing it.
    Another option I’m aware of is the Social Network Auto Poster (SNAP) which I think also does syndication to WP.com websites, though I’ve never tried it personally. I suspect there are likely other methods/plugins, but haven’t had the need to try to use them.
    Another basic fallback is using any number of RSS plugins which could be put on a .com site to pull in content from a .org-based site.
    I’ll also mention that though I do this sort of syndication myself, I’m honestly not sure how valuable it really is in the grand scheme of things, and have been recently evaluating if I’m going to continue doing it. Have you gotten more readers/reach or experienced positive benefits in doing it yourself?

    1. Thanks, Chris. I’m more concerned that’s it’s abandoned software and hence not likely to get a response should security issues arise. The SNAP seems like so much bloat to use to do this one thing. Syndication to WordPess.com was more about backup than reaching an audience. My website already shows up in WordPress.com Discovery which has a larger and more diverse audience than micro.blog or mastodon. I know some have taken a radical approach of shunning any syndication to social media, but I noticed a significant drop in viewership and responses when I did that. Discovery is nigh impossible without participation in the larger conversations.

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