2019-03-16 08.18.24

On Spotify’s Complaints About the App Store

What Apple should do is allow apps that opt out of IAP to explain that users need to subscribe or make purchases using a web browser, and allow them to link to their website from within the app (even if they’d be required to open that link in Safari, as opposed to an in-app web view).

Everything else in Spotify’s list of complaints seems like noise to me, and distracts from the central issues — which happen to be the issues where Spotify should be on the strongest legal footing.

Apple published a detailed response to Spotify’s complaints today. It’s a cogent read and their points are all well-made — but Apple conspicuously avoids addressing the fact that apps like Spotify aren’t even allowed to tell users how to subscribe using a web browser. Apple executives should take a hard look at why they chose not to defend that policy.

Apple is a profit-driven business as much as Spotify is, but it is time for Apple to rethink its 30 percent rate.

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.