2018-11-30 15.46.35

Indie WYSIWYG: How I Fixed My Instagram Problem by Alex Kearney (kongaloosh.com)

There's a saying in the indieweb community: manual until it hurts. Don't automate what you're doing until it's so painful that you're compelled to automate. It'll take time to maintain the code that's replacing your manual--software rots.


This is a very subjective principle. What hurts one person is painless to someone else. The problem with this ideology for me: I'm lazy. If it's not easy, it's agony.

Same. Manual until it hurts meant that the the process, time and effort of posing content often took longer than the creation of the content.

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.