Early morning ...

I was driving along Nassau Park Boulevard on my way to the office. The strip of land along the road was lined with many trees all of which had blossomed in full bloom. The early morning sun was shining through and despite the chill (and my severe allergies) I could not resist. I parked my car and walked back with my tripod. I took a lot of shots but my wife and I really liked this one. I processed the image in Adobe Lightroom 4, Photomatix Pro and Pixelmator.


Most open door policies are window dressing. Most, “is everything okay with your dinner?” is rote. True communication, actual intention (and action) in digging deeper, is difficult work. If it doesn’t feel like you’re working at it, you’re probably not doing it right.Speechless

Break Up The Big Banks

Wall Street’s increasing power remains “difficult to control because they have the lawyers and the money to resist the pressures of federal regulation.”

Wall Street’s increasing power remains “difficult to control because they have the lawyers and the money to resist the pressures of federal regulation.” The Dodd-Frank act that was supposed to control Wall Street “leaves TBTF [too big to fail] entrenched.”I don’t know much aobut how the banking systerm works to know whether this report — I have not read it — is valid but I do know the US can not survive another banking crisis.robertreich